Golden Shield® safety cabin series includes safe house and multi-purpose protective modules, that designed for families, diplomatic institutions, international organizations, enterprise contractors and troop camps in high-risk areas.
The level of protection can reach NIJ III standard which able to against AK47, M14,M16 and other 7.62/5.56 bullets. With upgrading to NIJ IV standard that able to resist against 7.62 armor-piercing bullets and 12.7 heavy machine guns,the cabins can effectively combat improvised explosive devices, car bombs and mortar rounds. With modularized designing, the safety cabin can be installed quickly and effectively indoor that prevents the gunman robbery, extortion, or kidnap. It can also be used as an emergency shelter during the time period of high risk such as war or riot.
The multi-purpose safe cabin is designed and developed particularly for foreign diplomatic institutions, international organizations, enterprise contractors and troop camps for the poor security situation or severe security situation. With a standard container frame, the cabin can be used based on the need for multiple splicing and extension of box: emergency shelter, command, medical care, accommodation, important material storage and other multi-purpose safety requirements.